Accelerating SDGs through advancing gender equity and inclusion in Evidence Informed Policy processes: Experiences and reflections
Live online event
Goal and objectives
The webinar will promote a focus on gender equity and inclusion in EIP efforts and initiatives by providing a forum for the LEEPS partnership and other EIP initiatives in Africa to share experiences and reflections on integrating gender equity and inclusion in EIP. The specific objectives will be to:
1. Stimulate interest among EIP actors and practitioners in integrating gender equity and inclusion in their EIP efforts
2. Facilitate exchange and learning on enhancing evidence translation and use and integrating gender equity and inclusion in development policy and programmatic decisions
Target audience
The target audience will be groups and individuals interested in advancing EIP and gender equity and inclusion in decision-making and achieving the SDGs. A comprehensive mapping of relevant groups will inform the strategies for promoting the event, which will include using targeted social media (X and LinkedIn) and email communication to key entities and organisations.
The webinar will start with a moderated panel discussion that will feature representatives of the institutions implementing the LEEPS partnership sharing their experiencesand lessons. Following the panel discussion, the audience will engage in a moderated discussion that will stimulate exchange and learning by drawing onthe participants’ experiences and lessons and identifying similarities, differences, and underlying drivers. The webinar moderator will be a renowned EIP expert who will ground the discussions within the knowledge base and evolution of the field.
Prioritising early learning research in sub-Saharan Africa for equitable learning outcomes
Enhancing Tanzania's Digital Education Strategy through Global Insights
Career evolution from public health to EIDM and within the EIDM field
Evaluation of the quality of science, technology and innovation advice
Early price.
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