Championing innovation: NACETEM's role in Nigeria's science and technology policy
EIDM story
As Nigeria looks towards a future driven by innovation and knowledge, the contributions of leaders like Dr Abubakar will remain crucial in realising the country’s potential. This story unfolds his journey, the collaborative efforts involved, and the impact of these initiatives on Nigeria’s future. His leadership and dedication were instrumental in drafting and implementing a comprehensive National Science and Technology Innovation (STI)policy aimed at steering Nigeria towards a knowledge-based economy.
They are Here: The Power of Youth
Evaluation of the quality of science, technology and innovation advice
Learning from the JOA project in the pastoral community: Thriving Through Crisis
EIDM Advocates: How do we begin to measure the impact of our work
Building small grants programs connected to policies and the needs of practitioners: the experience of the African Center for Equitable Development (ACED Africa)
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