Welcome to the #AEN Innovations Series! Check out this innovation - policy-relevant evidence maps. They aim to facilitate the use of evidence by decision-makers by allowing them to rapidly access a body of evidence relevant to their policy questions. This evidence is mapped against a policy framework and visualised on an interactive evidence interface to allow decision-makers to interrogate and engage with the evidence. In this, they present a method to inform decision-making using the best available evidence.
Career evolution from public health to EIDM and within the EIDM field
The EPA Center of Excellence: A Catalytic and Innovative Intervention for Evidence-Informed Policymaking (EIP) in Francophone Africa
Going Far Together: 4 Highlights about The Africa LEEPS Partnership
Building small grants programs connected to policies and the needs of practitioners: the experience of the African Center for Equitable Development (ACED Africa)
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