
International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie)

Mutual health insurance and the digitization of healthcare services in developing countries: Experience of the ISPV- Africa project in Togo

Blog post

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Bio Bertrand Mama, an Evaluation Specialist at 3ie, co-authored a blog post with AncaDumitrescu, Lead Evaluation Specialist, 3ie; Charlotte Lane, Evaluation and Learning Consultant, Food Security Evidence Brokerage and Binta Ndiaye, Research Assistant on the lessons from the Innovation for the Health of People in Vulnerable Situations in Africa (ISPV-Africa) project in Togo, which is an innovation which aims to make access to health insurance possible for the greatest number of vulnerable people by guaranteeing them a set of varied and quality services such as payment of membership and contributions online, medical facilitation at the health centre, home visits for monitoring and health advice. It focuses on opportunities and challenges of micro-health insurance and digitisation for vulnerable populations in Africa.

August 20, 2024
12:30 pm
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