Small Steps, Big Change: Cynthia's Hearts of Hope and AEN
EIDM story
Cynthia shares her story of how powerful individual action is and the potential of collaboration. Her narrative underscores the importance of grassroots initiatives and the potential of individuals to shape the world around them. Through their efforts, Cynthia and her team are not just changing lives; they are building a legacy of compassion, inclusion, and hope.
The Global Commission on Evidence to Address Societal Challenges
The Importance of Evidence-Based Monitoring and Evaluation in Malawi
Capacity Development Program on Integrating Gender and Youth Data in Food Security and Nutrition Interventions in Africa: Use of EIDM approach in designing the training manual
Accelerating SDGs through advancing gender equity and inclusion in Evidence Informed Policy processes: Experiences and reflections
Building Bridges for evidence-informed decision-making (EIDM)
Considerations for safe disposal of garbage in cities and towns
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