
Africa Evidence Network (AEN)

Let the celebration begin!


About This Event

The director and co-chair of the AEN, Siziwe Ngcwabe, welcomes participants to the third edition of the Africa Evidence Week.

August 19, 2024
6:30 am
Siziwe Ngcwabe
See Full ScheduleMake an Appointment

More great events!

Day 4
1:30 pm

National Center for Technology Management (NACETEM)

Entrepreneurship policy series | Case study: policy evaluation

Day 2
2:30 pm

Center for Rapid Evidence Synthesis (ACRES)

Mapping the way forward: ACRES leads effort to inform Uganda’s national health research agenda

Day 5
2:00 pm

Zimbabwe Evidence Informed Policy Network (ZeipNET)

Innovation in data cleaning, analysis and visualisation to enhance EIDM in Parliaments

Day 3
8:00 am

National Center for Technology Management (NACETEM)

Evaluation of the quality of science, technology and innovation advice

Day 1
9:00 am

Africa Evidence Network (AEN)

Utafiti Sera: Influencing Policy, practice and decision making through Evidence in Africa

See All Events

Early price.
Only 138 tickets left.

Come Join Us!

The AEN invites you to participate in this year's celebration of Africa's vibrant EIDM ecosystem.

Apply to participate
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1649 Norman Street, Los Angeles,
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8 (800) 807-2437
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