Prise en compte et financement de l’évaluation au Bénin à travers les PTA (Tableau du MTFP)
Publication entitled: "Taking into account and financing the evaluation in Benin through the PTAs (MTFP table)"
Building a Brighter Future Through Evidence: eBASE Africa's Work in Cameroon
The INCE: An insider’s view of National Evaluation Systems
Accelerating SDGs through advancing gender equity and inclusion in Evidence Informed Policy processes: Experiences and reflections
L’évaluation au Bénin : Rôle des gouvernants pour une priseen compte probante pertinente et conséquente dans les PTA (Tableau du MTFP)
Development of the CHAT EIDM tool, the use of evidence, and the stats on GBV & Femicide in South Africa
A virtual showcase of the African Education Research Database by ESSA and REAL Centre
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