Director of Public Policy and Knowledge Translation, and Head of Kenya Office
Rose is a development policy and communications specialist with over 15 years’ experience in designing and implementing public policy and governance research, knowledge translation, communication and evidence uptake interventions, and capacity development for enabling evidence-informed decision-making (EIDM) in development efforts in Africa. With a strong background in science communication and policy analysis, Rose has extensive experience in conducting analyses of policies and policy environments, and translating and communicating research to policymakers and other general audiences (including the mass media). She also has extensive experience in designing and delivering capacity building programmes in knowledge translation, including research-to-policy communications, but also research utilisation by policymakers, media practitioners, and civil society.
At AFIDEP, Rose provides strategic leadership in the design and conduct of research on policy analysis, political economy analysis, and knowledge translation; and design and delivery of capacity development interventions aimed at enabling EIDM as well as knowledge translation and policy engagement interventions aimed at supporting evidence uptake in decision-making. Rose has designed and led implementation of multi-year, multi-country programmes with African Ministries of Health, African Parliaments and Parliamentary Networks, Universities and Research Consortia and Networks, and Media. Her publications have focused mainly on the areas of health policymaking, research-to-policy in the health sector, and capacity development for nurturing an EIDM culture.
Prior to joining AFIDEP, Rose headed the Policy Engagement and Communications unit at the African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC) from 2004-2009.
Rose earned her Ph.D. from the Institute of Development Studies at the University of Sussex, United Kingdom. She also has a Master’s Degree in Communications from the University of Nairobi, and a Bachelor’s degree in Information Science from Moi University.
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Gloria Anderson is a Stakeholder Management and Communities of Practice Programme Officer at the Africa Evidence Network (AEN)
Ronald Munatsi is the Director of the Zimbabwe Evidence Informed Policy Network (ZeipNET).
Dr. Rodrigue Castro Gbedomon. Dr Gbedomon is a data scientist and versatile researcher with a passion for knowledge translation to inform policies, investments, and practices. He is ACED's Director of Research and Learning and co-coordinator of the regional excellence centre Evidence-Policy-Action. He previously coordinated the knowledge translation department of the GE21 group, a Swiss network of experts that acts as a think tank and skills center on environmental policy, with the value of strengthening links between researchers, practitioners, and policymakers.
Director of Public Policy and Knowledge Translation, and Head of Kenya Office