Ariel Hardy Houessou

Ariel Hardy HOUESSOU (Msc) is an agronomist with over 10 years of experience in development policies in West Africa, particularly in monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL), gender integration in the PPBS (Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Monitoring) cycle within the areas of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM), agriculture, and support for local governance. He has also demonstrated expertise in capacity building across various themes, including results-based management, gender analysis, and sustainable development analysis tools.

About me

Ariel Hardy HOUESSOU (Msc) is an agronomist with extensive experience in environmental and food security consultancy. His expertise spans project evaluation, social vulnerability analysis, capacity building, and the integration of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and gender mainstreaming.

He has collaborated with several organizations, including the Global Water Partnership West Africa (GWP AO), Deutsche Gesellschaft fürInternationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), the United Nations Development Programme(UNDP), Oxfam Benin, TechnoServe, Enabel, and the Organisation Internationalede la Francophonie. His significant contributions to SDG implementation in Benin include his role as an expert for the Ministry of Planning in Benin. His background in systemic and prospective sustainability analysis, led to his implication as an expert to develop the first continuing education program dedicated to the SDGs at the National School of Administration in Benin.

Previously, he coordinated an advisory service project under the Programme de Développement de l’Entreprenariat de la Filière Ananas (DEFIA) ofEnabel in Benin. Currently, he serves as a technical officer at the Evidence-Policy-Action Excellence Center for Francophone West Africa.

Ariel Hardy Houessou

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