‘Time to Talk Data’ platform on how to develop and use Evidence Maps
Live online event
The Provincial Data Office (PDO) in the Department of the Premier is actively creating pathways in the Western Cape Government to become a data-driven organisation. Over the years the PDO has institutionalised data governance at a sub-national level and most recently adopted a Data Governance Policy Framework. As part of this work, a series of Data Governance Practice Notes are at different stages of development. This is done to direct, enable and guide on data and evidence practices that should be embedded in its strategic and operational business. One of these Practice Notes is on ‘How to develop and use evidence maps.’ The PDO will be hosting a webinar which is a ‘Time to Talk Data’ platform to transform capabilities across our data and evidence communities. This is an opportunity for learning and building partnerships. Target audiences: Data and evidence stakeholders including Provincial departments, National departments, Municipalities, Academia, Agencies and related content specialists.
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Communication and Translation of Evidence Synthesis Findings: A Hands-On Workshop
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