Dr.Justina Adwoa Onumah

We are excited to feature Dr. Justina Onumah (PhD) as we build momentum toward Africa Evidence Week. Since joining the Africa Evidence Network (AEN), she has demonstrated remarkable growth, particularly in her efforts to champion evidence-informed decision-making (EIDM) within her community. Her journey is reminiscent of a relationship that begins with a spark and deepens through shared experiences. Over time, it has evolved into a powerful blend of duty, intellectual pursuit, and heartfelt commitment to creating a better society. Dr. Onumah’s work is a testament to the impact of dedication and the power of evidence-based practices in transforming communities:

Join us during Africa Evidence Week 2024 (AfEW24) to celebrate more wins and learn how we can continue to strengthen evidence ecosystems across the continent. Read more about Dr Justina’s journey: https://www.africaevidencenetwork.org/en/learning-space/article/341/.

Velia Manyonga

We are excited to spotlight Velia Manyonga, whose journey in championing evidence-use in decision-making for oversight, representation, and legislation in the Parliament of Malawi has been truly inspiring!

Velia shares an inspiring story of how making evidence-informed decisions has helped the Parliament of Malawi evolve. She strongly believes that "evidence must always be packaged in a way that policy-makers can easily use it." Interestingly, institutions once thought incapable of using evidence, like parliament, have become champions of evidence-based decision-making. They are now leading the way in using evidence for legislation, oversight, and representation. This marks a significant transformation in the acceptance and application of evidence across various sectors.

Join us during AfricaEvidence Week 2024 (AfEW24) to celebrate more wins and learn how we can continue to strengthen evidence ecosystems across the continent. Read more about Velia’s journey: https://www.africaevidencenetwork.org/en/learning-space/article/339/.

Jacklyne Ashubwe Jalemba

We are excited to spotlight Jacklyne Ashubwe Jalemba whose journey from a junior consultant to a Director is truly inspiring!

"My formal journey in EIDM began even before I was familiar with the concept of evidence for decision-making. It began when I worked as a junior consultant supporting a baseline situational analysis to inform the healthcare quality improvement policy development for the national ministry. I continued to carry out public health project evaluations and develop recommendations based on the evidence to support the organisations improve their subsequent implementation processes. My first encounter with the idea of knowledge management and EIDM was when I joined TDR-The Special Program for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases as a knowledge management mentor. It was a ‘light-bulb’ 💡 moment for me coming to appreciate that what I have been doing has actually been coined into a formal term: ‘knowledge management’.

I joined the Africa Evidence Network in 2021 out of curiosity and I don’t regret this choice. As a member, I had the chance to expand my understanding of EIDM through a short EIDM course; and also through connecting with amazing EIDM champions who continue to inspire me to keep learning and growing in this field.

I’m an avid believer that sustainable development can be achieved only when decisions are informed by sound evidence."

Join us during Africa Evidence Week 2024 (AfEW24) to celebrate more wins and learn how we can continue to strengthen evidence ecosystems across the continent. Read more about Jacklyne's journey above.

Dr Edwin Byusa

We are excited to spotlight Dr. Edwin Byusa, whose journey from volunteer to Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) expert is truly inspiring!

"The use of data for decision-making is a lifelong process that begins from the moment we are born. From our earliest days, we instinctively collect data, process it, and make decisions, often without even realising it. For instance, a baby reaching for its mother's nipple to breastfeed involves calculating the distance and positioning, showcasing the innate use of evidence for decision-making. This practice continues through our school years and beyond.

My journey with Evidence-Informed Decision Making (EIDM) in the development sector began in 2007 when I volunteered for Right To Play International in Rwanda. As a coach and later a coach-evaluator under the Rwandan Scouts Association, I supported interventions in the community sector, laying the foundation for my career in EIDM. My experience with EIDM has since expanded through various roles, including Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) Expert, Performance Advisor, Senior System Strengthening Lead, Capacity Development Lead in Data-Driven Decision-Making, Team Leader/Coordinator and so on. Additionally, I have engaged in numerous consultancy projects, continually enhancing my skills and contributing to the field of EIDM.

In 2020, I joined the Africa Evidence Network (AEN), furthering my growth in EIDM while actively contributing to the network's achievements. As a researcher with publications in highly reputed journals, I envision a future where all of Africa unites to advance EIDM in our development activities, striving for sustainable development and intergenerational equity. By wisely using our Natural Resources and Environment, we can ensure a prosperous future for present and future generations equipped with the right education, capabilities, skills, knowledge, values, and attitudes."

Join us during Africa Evidence Week 2024 (AfEW24) to celebrate more wins and learn how we can continue to strengthen evidence ecosystems across the continent. Read more about Dr Edwin's journey above.

Ronald Munatsi

Ronald Munatsi’s remarkable journey began in the early 2000s with a focus on knowledge management and information systems. As he transitioned into evidence-informed decision-making (EIDM), he played a pivotal role in introducing EIDM to Zimbabwe through initiatives with the International Network for Advancing Science in Policy (INASP). In 2012, Ronald co-founded the Zimbabwe Evidence Informed Policy Network (ZeipNET) and also became an AEN member, advancing EIDM practices and collaborating with regional organisations. His work expanded from 2018 to date, integratingevidence synthesis into health policy and the Parliament of Zimbabwe. Today, as ZeipNET’s Director, Ronald continues to drive impactful EIDM projects, demonstrating the crucial role of evidence in effective policymaking.

Join us during Africa Evidence Week 2024 (AfEW24) to celebrate more wins and learn how we can continue to strengthen evidence ecosystems across the continent. Read more about Ronald's journey: https://www.africaevidencenetwork.org/en/learning-space/article/333/